Fedora 23 – A new favourite!

I recently installed Fedora 23 just to see what is was like and too see what was different in this release of Fedora. This new version of Fedora comes with the Gnome 3.18 desktop, which features Google drive integration within the nautilus file manager.

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 I was greatly surprised on how well Fedora performed whilst  I was using the distro. Apps launched quickly, and there was no lag while switching between menus. The distro worked really well and did not use too much system memory or CPU usage. The distribution felt solid and stable, with only a few minor bugs with the software centre.

Screenshot from 2015-11-27 01-39-17

Fedora looks beautiful even with the default theme that comes pre-installed into the distro. I have changed some of the theming myself, which by the way is really easy to do. The theme I am using for the gnome shell and gtk theme is Arc Darker and the icon pack is the Loli-Papelk Ultra Flat Icons.

I would definitely recommend this distribution to anyone who loves the Gnome experience. While the distro looks nice and solid please remember that this particular distro I personally would not recommend to new users to Linux.

Using The ‘DD’ Command

One very simple and effective way of creating a bootable USB is to use the dd command.

Step 1. Open terminal by either pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or looking trough your programs list.

Step 2. Once the terminal windows is open type in the following.

$ sudo dd if=enter_file_name_here.iso of=/dev/disk(sda,sdb etc)

Once you have entered the command your USB will be reformatted and the iso image will be placed on your USB.

Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 14.04.3

A lot of the steps that follow require the use of “terminal”, This is the command shell used by most Linux Distributions. To open terminal just press Ctrl+Alt+T or go through your programs list and find it. Then just copy and paste any commands into the terminal.

Updating and Upgrading

First things first, you will need to make sure that your system is up-to-date with the latest software. To do so enter the following command into terminal.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

When the command is entered you will be asked to enter your password ( you will not see the characters whilst typing)

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